Monday 6 February 2012

your email: is the antagonist actually jennifer?

To: Gossip Girl
I really dont like mileykent, i agree with your previous posts about her. I think shes 'the anaylst'  because as soon as you posted about her, the anaylst posted  about you.
Shes a two faced something rather & begs for people to vote her cg & then trashes them when they ask her. New famewhore? Shes acting like Miss_LolitaF
From: Nothing. take credit. i just want to to be hated.

To Anonymous
Its possible that Jennifer could be the Analyst, after all immediately after I wrote about her, it was on The Antagonist around the same time Jennifer wrote a comment. I have no evidence of her trashing people when they ask for votes, but she definitely does ask for votes. I can't blame her though, many other people do as well. Although if you look at these images, it clearly shows her lack of appreciation for supporters.

She doesn't even reply to the supporters! How much more un-appreciative can she get? Clearly she needs a reality check that I am more than happy to supply. I am not sure about the comparison to Lolita however. xoxo


  1. Your spelling sucks ass and I highly doubt that anyone sent you that email. This blog has like ZERO supporters but yet you expect us to believe people are actually sending you emails? You're trying way too hard darling!

    1. Honestly I don't get why people are picking on me. Im not an 'elite' and don't consider myself popular. Why me and not some other 'noone'?

  2. Would you like me to show you the emails?

  3. Hate to crush your dreams anon [and Possibly GG], but I'm not mileykent. Keep your tiny little brains abuzz with the wondering of who I am.

    And even if you do show the emails, it'll be obvious you emailed yourself (if you did...sad) or photoshopped them (understandable, we don't want sweet, little, GG to reveal that she emailed herself)

  4. LOL.. I was at school & you can see that it was from '1 hour ago' I have replied to all of them & you should stop trashing me because I have a life. Go get one >.<

  5. Well actually Jennifer you do have talents even if they need to be honed a little bit. So don't put yourself down saying you're not elite. I didn't email myself, and I have no skills whatsoever at photoshopping. I don't think I'll show the emails yet though, bribery and blackmail on the senders name might do me good in the future....

    1. So now you're complimenting me? God, make up your mind?

  6. The only reason jen didnt reply to her GB comments was OBVIOUSLY cus she wasnt fuck**g online. Gossip Girl, you're so sad, you are MAKING gossip as you can't actually FIND any :(
