Friday 8 June 2012

can there be more than one?

I recently got an email asking to be part of the show, and how could I refuse? So here it is. I'm accepting writers! Email me and I'll do the rest.


Sorry for laying off Stardoll but I found that my interest has piqued again, and I want to get back in the groove.

Some answers first.....
So people wanted to know if I had an alter ego account on Stardoll. The answer is yes, I do. Its very active in the blogging world, and you have all read a post by my alter ego at least once.
Also, some wanted to know if I actually look like my MeDoll. Answer? Yes, actually. My hair is longer, but the facial features are quite similar.
Finally, one last question. Will I continue in the blogging world? I don't know. I want to, but with the lack of inspiration, I find its hard to write. Perhaps I'll start a fashion blog like that terrible one a while ago where the author bagged on "famous" Stardoll members and their outfits. Or not.

I guess what I am trying to say is for now, I'm back. I don't know how long and I don't know what my goals are going to be, but I'll say this, Everyone is up for grabs. Before everyone was scared to step out of line and anger an "elite." Well, guess what! PSG is OVER. OVER. BFM is dying. MDM, well let's just say Aislin is obviously getting busy with her new hubby and can't run the blog anymore.

So I guess it's all up to me.

your email: lolita's sidekick

Dear Gossip Girl,
Hello there
Lolita my dear freind is about to make a huge comeback. Who's Lolita you say? 
The one and only Miss_LolitaF the one that left early last year as you may recall.
Get ready. Although I don't think you'll be prepared for the shock of who has been living a lie for years.

Lols of love
Lolita's sidekick

Dear Lolita's sidekick
I don't really think Lolita is that big of news anymore if people are already forgetting her name. Besides, if she was coming back, this email from quite a while ago and nothing has happened still. Guess the show's over!

Monday 27 February 2012

your email: captilisation police

To Gossip Girl
A word of advice sweetie. Capitalise your words. No one is going to take you seriously if your Blog tabs say 'about me' 'your email' ect. It's not so hard to press the shift key and then your letter. xo
From Maddie ♥

To Maddie ♥
I will take your advice into consideration, but I will probably not take it. I present the reasons for my non-capitalisation: The original gossip girl of the novels never once capitalised one header or title. Not once. I intend to stay true to the original even if it means breaking some rules. After all, rules were meant to be broken.
From Gossip Girl

Jack, Oh Jack

So PSG is done. Dead. Kaput. No longer worthy to speak of. Oh well, I should have seen it coming. Of course, we're all wondering what exactly happened, but only the staff of PSG will know that. Previously the staff was Dei, Dan, Tinsley, supa_star4real, and Jack. Somehow all authors were deleted as administrators. Then they were all deleted as authors. Only Jack was left, and he repeatedly told the staff that he was hacked. Um, yeah. Because we totally believe you.

Then Charlotte made a cute post about vitamins and whatnot, which was later deleted.
The banner became a diamond encrusted skull and the new name? The Blog Of Death. Oh, how very original. Anyways, this "Blog Of Death" now is under the maniacal control of Jack. I suggest instead of promptly removing yourself from the blog, wait and see what happens. I know it won't be pretty, but it will definitely be fun.

Sunday 19 February 2012

your email: reece's sidekick

To Gossip Girl
I think it's fair to say that these emails from "reece's sidekick" are really from Reece himself. I mean, in the emails, he referred to Reece as "I" not "him".
Nice cover Reece, better luck next time.
From Anonymous

To Anonymous
I was thinking the same thing as you! Although what could Reece have planned....?
From Gossip Girl

Thursday 16 February 2012

your email: i'm not the same

To Gossip Girl
Why even attempt at your worthless "digging". You'll never outsmart me. You're just the same as all those pathetic people who try to figure out what I'm up to.
From Reece's sidekick

To Reece's sidekick
Either way I will certainly have fun trying to find out. And also? I am definitely not the same as the others. In more ways than one.
From Gossip Girl