your email

To Gossip Girl
A word of advice sweetie. Capitalise your words. No one is going to take you seriously if your Blog tabs say 'about me' 'your email' ect. It's not so hard to press the shift key and then your letter. xo
From Maddie ♥

To Maddie ♥
I will take your advice into consideration, but I will probably not take it. I present the reasons for my non-capitalisation: The original gossip girl of the novels never once capitalised one header or title. Not once. I intend to stay true to the original even if it means breaking some rules. After all, rules were meant to be broken.
From Gossip Girl

previous email
To Gossip Girl
Why even attempt at your worthless "digging". You'll never outsmart me. You're just the same as all those pathetic people who try to figure out what I'm up to. 
From Reece's sidekick

To Reece's sidekick
Either way I will certainly have fun trying to find out. And also? I am definitely not the same as the others. In more ways than one.
From Gossip Girl

previous email

To Gossip Girl
You'll just have to wait and find out.
From Reece's sidekick

To Reece's sidekick
I suppose so. Unless I do the dirty digging, of course.
From Gossip Girl
previous email

To Gossip Girl
Reece is Back. He's plotting a magor hacking scheme as we speak. It'll be big. It'll be the change that is coming.
From Reece's sidekick

To Reece's sidekick
How do I know this isn't  Reece himself? Are you trying to tell me that all those anonymous accounts like Physco and anonymousisme are all foretelling Reece's coming? Or are perhaps Reece himself? Interesting. Who does he plan on hacking? Well-known Stardolls or not so well-known?
From Gossip Girl

previous email

To Gossip Girl
I'm sorry I don't know the link, my friend was the one who showed it to me after she got a disturbing stardoll email from someone saying "you're next" with the link of the blog attached to it.! and good luck finding research as no one has heard anything about the blog since last January. The blog was apparently deleted, and no one has been saying anything about it. 
From Anon

To Anon
That is okay, thanks for trying! Unfortunately I have never heard anything about this blog so I can't help you. I'll keep my eyes open for it in the future.
From Gossip Girl

previous email
To Gossip Girl
On an old Sd blog that got deleted a while ago. It was called TheUnderCoverHackersOfSD or something. It was a secret blog.
From Anon

To Anon
I have never heard of this blog, but do you remember the link? I can try to do some research if you tell me the link. Thanks for the tip!
From Gossip Girl

previous email
To Gossip Girl
What is Lolita's Stardoll name? I heard she's got someone doing her dirtywork.
From anon

To anon
It was MissLolita_F but she either got deleted or left. I can't remember. And where did you hear that may I ask?
previous email

To Gossip Girl
Because he told me so.
From Anonymous

To Anonymous
I see. That is mind blowing evidence you have there.
From Gossip Girl
previous email
To Gossip Girl
Who the fu*k is Reece? And who is Lolita? I have never paid attention to this blog, so i don't know sh*t. 

To Anonymous
Feel free to swear, its a rather safe environment here. Reece is an infamous hacker, and Lolita is his sidekick. Just go on any semi well known gossip blog and their names used to be written all over it. Thankfully their accounts are apparently gone from Stardoll, except for Lolita I believe. Reece still attacks and criticizes people over blogger, and causes a huge mess whenever he opens his inhumanely wide mouth.
From Gossip Girl

previous email
To Gossip Girl
The analyst is Reece
From Anomymous

To Anonymous
And what makes you think that?
From Gossip Girl

previous email
To: Gossip Girl
I really dont like mileykent, i agree with your previous posts about her. I think shes 'the anaylst'  because as soon as you posted about her, the anaylst posted  about you.
Shes a two faced something rather & begs for people to vote her cg & then trashes them when they ask her. New famewhore? Shes acting like Miss_LolitaF
From: Nothing. take credit. i just want to to be hated.

To Anonymous
Its possible that Jennifer could be the Analyst, after all immediately after I wrote about her, it was on The Antagonist around the same time Jennifer wrote a comment. I have no evidence of her trashing people when they ask for votes, but she definitely does ask for votes. I can't blame her though, many other people do as well. Although if you look at these images, it clearly shows her lack of appreciation for supporters.

She doesn't even reply to the supporters! How much more un-appreciative can she get? Clearly she needs a reality check that I am more than happy to supply. I am not sure about the comparison to Lolita however. xoxo

previous email
To Gossip Girl
I would like to inform you that it is a little harsh on the eyes reading white text on a white background. I think that a nice makeover would do this blog some good. Possibly with some nice decoration wallpaper in the background, similar to what Beg For More... has. Hey, it might not be a good blog, but you can't deny it looks pretty darn sweet! Oh, it's sakutaro. I don't really care about being anonymous ^^;;
From Sakutaro

To Sakutaro
I agree, I really would like a makeover for my blog, but I also want it to be simple and to the point like Gossip Girl from the actual books and show. I was considering similar wallpaper to BFM, but I didn't want to copy. I am currently looking at prospective designs. BFM is a pretty darn sweet blog, I love it. And good job on refusing to fall into the anonymous category. That's not for me. My identity? Thats one secret I'll never tell.

previous email
From A:

I removed the offending image from my blog background. I do like to have input from readers so I know what is needed. Email me again if you have more suggestions!

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