Tuesday 7 February 2012

your email: reece found a new account?

To Gossip Girl
The analyst is Reece
From Anomymous

To Anonymous
And what makes you think that?
From Gossip Girl


  1. No evidence? No commentary?
    Just random questions...

    Of all the shitty gossip blogs that have been made lately, I'd have to say yours is the worst. The Analyst is not Reece and you know it. Stop using my blog as something to write about just because yours is lacking in every crucial area. You have nothing interesting to post about, you have no talent as a writer, and you're clearly lacking in originality. Find a different hobby already because blogging is obviously not your forte.

  2. I never said Reece was or was not the Analyst, but I do not lie when I say these emails were not written by me.

  3. What is lolita's stardoll name?

  4. It used to be MissLolita_F but its gone now.
