Sunday 5 February 2012

your email: categories

To Gossip Girl
I would like to inform you that it is a little harsh on the eyes reading white text on a white background. I think that a nice makeover would do this blog some good. Possibly with some nice decoration wallpaper in the background, similar to what Beg For More... has. Hey, it might not be a good blog, but you can't deny it looks pretty darn sweet! Oh, it's sakutaro. I don't really care about being anonymous ^^;;
From Sakutaro

To Sakutaro
I agree, I really would like a makeover for my blog, but I also want it to be simple and to the point like Gossip Girl from the actual books and show. I was considering similar wallpaper to BFM, but I didn't want to copy. I am currently looking at prospective designs. BFM is a pretty darn sweet blog, I love it. And good job on refusing to fall into the anonymous category. That's not for me. My identity? Thats one secret I'll never tell.

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