Wednesday 8 February 2012

your email: anon from yesterday and reece and lolita

To Gossip Girl
Because he told me so.
From Anonymous

To Anonymous
I see. That is mind blowing evidence you have there.
From Gossip Girl

To Gossip Girl
Who the fu*k is Reece? And who is Lolita? I have never paid attention to this blog, so i don't know sh*t.

To Anonymous
Feel free to swear, its a rather safe environment here. Reece is an infamous hacker, and Lolita is his sidekick. Just go on any semi well known gossip blog and their names used to be written all over it. Thankfully their accounts are apparently gone from Stardoll, except for Lolita I believe. Reece still attacks and criticizes people over blogger, and causes a huge mess whenever he opens his inhumanely wide mouth.
From Gossip Girl

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