Sunday 5 February 2012

un-princesslike manners

So speaks princesslicha, otherwise known as Alicia Ramirez. Oh, dear Alicia. You go by the title "princess" yet you cannot display the manners required of your class? Pity. When you're done asking for friends (because we all know you have none) we can move onto enrolling you in lessons. Lessons about what? Why, about the art of asking for votes, because we all know that didn't work for your competition on BBS!

Better luck next time!


  1. Your so pathetic. Licha is a kind caring person. & noone will ever change that. Go find someone else to blog about.

  2. Can you really stoop any lower than this? Wow.
    I find this very ironic considering you're criticizing someone's manners on a gossip blog. Maybe find writing skill and class, then you can start complaining about other people.

  3. HAHA don't make me laugh!! I've never asked for friends and I am not lieing about how many friend request I have

  4. You know what? I got some information out of that picture, something I can use for bribery or blackmail. But I'll keep it to myself for now. Better start being nice to me if you don't want the info leaked!
