Monday 30 January 2012

jack knows how to inject humor

jack oh jack what would we do without your daily rays of sunshine?

I honestly don't know what Stardoll would do without Jack. Some say he's a famewhore. Others say he's a misunderstood boy. Me? I beg to differ.
He's what we all are afraid to be. The person who isn't afraid to raise their hand in class and shout out the answer even if its wrong. The person whose friends always accept them back. The person who thinks that he or she is hot and their confidence makes them hot. The person we love to hate. There is a little Jack in all of us. We just won't admit it.

This comment was taken from an MDM post written by Aislin, who decided to host an MDM People's Choice Award, to varied appreciation.

Jack, know this. I live for your rays of sunshine and humor. Without you, the world would be like a bar with no champagne. A wallet with no AmEx. An iPhone without Siri. For lack of poetic phrases, you make Stardoll a hilarious place. Keep on shining!

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