Monday 30 January 2012

its a man eat man world out there

I love it when people are angry for absolutely no reason whatsoever. It makes me laugh to see them vent their rage upon their helpless readers. Case in point: check out mileykent, this writer who apparently can't keep her every thought to herself.

(caution: eyes may result in bleeding after reading all these spelling mistakes in her letter)
Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but its your frickin' fault your club no longer exists. You can't even write (the letter you wrote to Stardoll was full of atrocious mistakes that made my eyes bleed) but you are emailing Stardoll a complaint with absolutely no cause.
You think they chose you out of the other 151, 093, 313 members for a particular reason? Do you honestly think you are that special? As seen by your writing, you have no talent there, so tell me. What makes you so special that Stardoll picks you from over 150 million members to delete your club and make you peeved off?

Exactly. You aren't special. You are just another number on Stardoll's ticker. So suck up the fact that Stardoll deleted your club and learn to deal with the shit life hands you on a silver platter rather than rage and vent it out to the 46 readers on your blog who would rather spend their time doing something else rather than read about you.
Sorry if I'm being harsh, but its time you learned that the world doesn't revolve around you, and Stardoll isn't your bitch. Your every demand can't be met and you don't always get what you want when you want it exactly when you say so.

Its a tough world out there and if you break a nail and run crying back inside, don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. Excuse me? I have NO spelling mistakes and how DARE you call me talentless. Your just a bitch who wants attention. Bye

  2. @Jennifer-
    I'm pretty sure it's spelled *YOU'RE

  3. Lol are you guy's serious? Like one apostrophe missing and you're all like 'ooooh she can't spell because she's like everyone else and make's one little mistake' Grow up. Its human to make mistakes. We all learn from them AND MOVE ON.. Gosh

  4. It's not fair you are sitting ranting on about people like this. And the posts aren't even that interesting. I'm not trying to be mean, but if you want more views and less mean comments, try writing about things people would enjoy reading about.
