Monday 30 January 2012

supporters always seem to be anonymous?

who, oh who could this anonymous be?
Its sad when someone loses a contest by a shocking factor. Its embarrassing, and admit, we've all been there. Even perfect little me! But when you decide to support yourself by being anonymous...that's a whole other story.

This image was taken from a Underneath Stardoll contest known as Survivor Fashion Edition. Many of the contestants are remarkably talented, and others are barely mediocre. So it goes without saying that the mediocre ones may want to give themselves a moral boost. But having a conversation with yourself? Thats just sad. My favourite part is when I noticed the time these comments were posted were exactly one  minute apart. Who trolls comments endlessly to comment again other than drama-starved dollies? So it must be that dear RockinElle.

Elle, here's a woman-to-woman tip: Flattery is best achieved by those who aren't you. Think about that next time you click Post as Anonymous.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think you're way off with this actualization. Elle is extremely talented, and would never even NEED to do something like this. I'm sure those comments are genuine.
