Tuesday 31 January 2012

bitching is what i do best

wow your grammar has improved since last time we spoke!

Looks like someone signed up for late-night spelling lessons, because this chick can certainly turn a page like that. Talk about split personalities.
Anyways, if you want to see her before after makeover, check out this:

letter mileykent wrote to stardoll regarding her club
Now take a look at this comment she wrote on my last post.
It seems she made an effort to amp up the grammar skills after I called her out. I suppose she became a little nervous. I love making people squirm. So Mileykent, or whatever you want to be called online,
I may be a bitch, but its what I do best. Kisses fellow bee-otches!


  1. hahahahhaha. I don't see any mistakes but hey some people need glasses more than others. I'm so flattered but I don't care. You're getting me more visitors to my suite so I owe you a thanks. & thanks for stealing my line 'kisses' from me. I see in your other post's that 'kisses' isn't there until you wrote about me. Well sure take it & let everyone know your just as jealous as of me as everyone else (:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Sorry sweetie(,) but someone has to let you know before you get eaten up." http://theantagonistofstardoll.blogspot.com/2012/02/stardolls-gossip-girl-oh-how-unique.html

    xoxo, Gossip Girl.

  4. Sorry honey-bun you tried but you will never top the original Gossip Girl. Try as you losers' might copying the way it's written on the book and in the opening credits of the show won't get you anywhere. (Neither will stealing her lines.) You can get into trouble for copying the way Gossip Girl is spelled out. Not to mention that the name is so not original! (Puh-lease) You think you can show up out of the blue and start a gossip blog? Think again. Guess what? Your in for one hell of a surprise. Check yourself before you start spewing out random bullshit cause we all know what happens to poseurs like you. What you post isn't even gossip so the name is wasting on a no talent lame like you. Hope you have fun with you little "blog". It won't be around for long especially because no one thinks it's worthy of being looked at.

    From a real bitch to a poseur,

  5. Is this really the only thing you could think to write about?

  6. Excuse me, but you have really stolen my thunder. I am a Gossip Girl and believe me bitch, you are not talented at writing. Better stop writing dear....

  7. *Cough* Not talented? Look who's in the rightful spot to say that. *cough*

    it's good that she stole your Thunder, if you even had any. Sad enough as it is, your posts are pointless,They bag on COMMENTS from USD, and The antagonist. All you pretty much claim to say in each post is whether a person is talking to themselves or not.You are showing obvious signs of jealousy, I don't know why, but it's really easy to identify. Anonymous blogging from people like you just show a sign of mediocrity.

  8. Manny that person who wrote above you isn't me. You can tell that I am the real GG from the name on the "written by" on this blog.

  9. Oh, makes sense, i knew there was a cut up logo missing.

    That paragraph still applies to you X]

  10. It's not fair you are sitting ranting on about people like this. And the posts aren't even that interesting. I'm not trying to be mean, but if you want more views and less mean comments, try writing about things people would enjoy reading about.
