Monday 27 February 2012

Jack, Oh Jack

So PSG is done. Dead. Kaput. No longer worthy to speak of. Oh well, I should have seen it coming. Of course, we're all wondering what exactly happened, but only the staff of PSG will know that. Previously the staff was Dei, Dan, Tinsley, supa_star4real, and Jack. Somehow all authors were deleted as administrators. Then they were all deleted as authors. Only Jack was left, and he repeatedly told the staff that he was hacked. Um, yeah. Because we totally believe you.

Then Charlotte made a cute post about vitamins and whatnot, which was later deleted.
The banner became a diamond encrusted skull and the new name? The Blog Of Death. Oh, how very original. Anyways, this "Blog Of Death" now is under the maniacal control of Jack. I suggest instead of promptly removing yourself from the blog, wait and see what happens. I know it won't be pretty, but it will definitely be fun.

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